1Additional Device Fee
Covers device configuration, OS, Office 2016 and Antivirus & Malware installation, installation of any additionally purchased software, trouble-shooting of hardware/software for 1st year (from time order is placed).
Required for installation are not included in cost but will be charged additionally.
Note: After validating the funding information, SEMEL Computer Procurement Coordinator will complete the order process and arrange IT to configure and deliver the computer equipment to the client. Price may change from the time the quote is issued to the time the order is placed on certain items.
3Subscription-based licenses
Renew annually. Only prorated amount will be charged at the time the order is placed. Please look out for renewal emails.
4Mobile Device Policy
All mobile devices storing university business must be encrypted per the “Device and Removable Media Encryption” Health Science 9453-C Policy.
5Shipping Fees
Will be charged to original FAU provided when home shipment is requested.
If assigned to a single end user, end user must self-enroll device into AirWatch via link. If it is to be used in a communal setting, please complete form and submit with original UCLA SEMEL IT Quote Proposal request. This will then be submitted to ISS and timeline is dependent on their workflow.