Contact Us

Let us know your questions, issues, comments, or concerns via email:

You can leave us a voicemail at (310) 206-3886.

For requests outside of normal business hours, please submit a trouble ticket at Service Now.

Our main IT office is at the Semel Institute Room 77-365.

Hours of Operation:
8AM to 5PM — Monday to Friday


Applying for mednet vpn access?

Only supervisors/managers should complete this form!


Applying for access request with no UCPath appointment?

Enter user's name.

Please SELECT ONE of the categories below that the user belongs to.

Note: If none of these apply to you, then you should not fill out this form.

For a definition of each category, hover over here!
Affiliate A student or staff in non-UCLA Health department.
Contractor Meets BFB-BUS-77 Independent Consultant Guidelines Contractor
Collaborator User who is a student or staff in other universities and is part of an IRB.
Intern User is not enrolled in any UC campus as student. Need access to participate in training or internship.
Volunteer Registered with UCLA Health Sciences Volunteer Program

just making sure you're not a robot


Applying for Research careconnect access?

Please contact Semel Research CareConnect at