Shared Mailboxes & Distribution Lists


First thing to note is that a Shared Mailbox (SM) is a separate mailbox. It is neither a Distribution List (DL) nor a mailing list.

A distribution list is a Mednet email address that will send copies of the an incoming email to the inbox of the members in the list. All members must have a Mednet email address. The manager of the list can add/remove members with ADTool software. There is no need to submit future requests or open a new ticket to make changes in the member list. Also, there is no separate mailbox for the email address. A new DL can be created with a quick turn around time.

A shared mailbox is a separate mailbox that multiple users can use to read and send email messages on behalf of this account. Individuals will need to be granted access and will have to connect to the mailbox to see emails. Shared mailboxes can also be used to provide a common calendar, allowing multiple users to schedule and view events. A Shared Mailbox doesn’t have a username and password so users cannot log on to it directly with a login ID and password. Users who have access to the mailbox must sign into his/her own Mednet account and then open the shared mailbox as an additional account.

  • A Shared Mailbox must have at least 2 owners.
  • Owners are responsible for approving and requesting access to the Shared Mailbox once it is created.
  • By default, a shared mailbox will accept email from anyone, but you can restrict it.
  • You can hide the mailbox from being viewed by other Mednet users.

Make a Request


→  This is for Semel Institute, Psychiatry, and NPH (Resnick) department requests ONLY

If you would like to request for either a shared mailbox or a distribution list, send an email to with the following details:

  • What email address are you requesting? (20 characters max, excluding
  • What display name should this email address have? (20 characters max, spaces are considered characters)
  • What will this SM/DL be used for?
  • Who will be listed as the owner(s)?
  • List any additional members (and their email addresses) that will have access to this SM/DL. If SM, all members listed will have ‘Send As’ rights.

If you would like to request for either a shared mailbox or a distribution list, simply fill out the form below to get started. Once completed, someone from Semel IT will respond to your request.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required


View our guide on how to “Add a Shared Maillbox to Outlook.”


Applying for mednet vpn access?

Only supervisors/managers should complete this form!


Applying for access request with no UCPath appointment?

Enter user's name.

Please SELECT ONE of the categories below that the user belongs to.

Note: If none of these apply to you, then you should not fill out this form.

For a definition of each category, hover over here!
Affiliate A student or staff in non-UCLA Health department.
Contractor Meets BFB-BUS-77 Independent Consultant Guidelines Contractor
Collaborator User who is a student or staff in other universities and is part of an IRB.
Intern User is not enrolled in any UC campus as student. Need access to participate in training or internship.
Volunteer Registered with UCLA Health Sciences Volunteer Program

just making sure you're not a robot


Applying for Research careconnect access?

Please contact Semel Research CareConnect at