CareConnect Template & Training
This page will guide you to choose which CareConnect template to select and which training class to attend. Without the completion of the appropriate training classes, the user will be unable to use the assigned template in CareConnect.
Select a unit below
Below are the template descriptions for the Ancilliary unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
This template is intended for EVS (environmental services) managers.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELADT180
This user is the IP Financial Counselors that covers Main, ED, & L&D admitting areas. This user can admit, register, auth/cert, and provide FPL updates for IP encounters and some HOD encounters.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ADT100
This user is designed to represent NPH Bed Planning and house supervisor staff that do bed planning. The user can respond to bed requests and do direct admits. They have access to Patient Station, House Census, and Bed Status. The user also has access to select ADT Reports. Also has complete access to Event Management (includes Transfer Center staff).
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- ADT303
- ELADT301
This user is the Registration staff (includes the financial counselor staff) that covers Main and outpt Psych areas at NPH. This user could admit, check-in, make cadence apt, & register with referral and auth/cert for IP/OP encounters. In addition, they have supervisor privileges allowing more access to Event Management and increased reporting capabilities.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- ADT100
- ADT105
This user is the Registration staff supervisor that covers Main and outpt Psych areas at NPH. This user could admit, check-in, cadence apt, & register with referral and auth/cert for IP/OP encounters. In addition, they have supervisor privileges allowing more access to Event Management and increased reporting capabilities.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- ADT100
- ADT105
This template is intended for Psych program managers. The template includes the ability to attach to any users inbasket and providers out of contact. They will have access to psych scheduling, psych referrals, billing, and reporting. This user can create, edit, and save private report settings, but cannot save any changes to public reports.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELCAD300
Security template allows PCC’s/AA’s the ability to pend/sign orders within a scheduled office visit. EpicCare security matches that of an MA, but default startup activity is the DAR. In-basket security is included with this template.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB390
- CAD100
- CAD120
- ELCAD300
Per the scribe policy, scribes cannot do anything except in the presence of a physician, with the physician instructing the scribe exactly what to enter. Enter notes, Tee up orders, enter bill area and LOS but not file charges. Enter Patient instructions. Cannot close encounters.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB675
- CAD100
- CAD120
- CAD570
This template is intended for Psych program coordinators. They will be ones who will check‐in patients each day, as well as book the patients into the schedule. They will also be the first point of contact for telephone encounters, creating telephone encounters for patients & then routing them to the social workers.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB675
- CAD100
- CAD120
- CAD570
This is a dual role template intended for a front end user or Admin Assistant within an ambulatory clinic. Each user has access to the registration, billing and scheduling menus, and have the ability to create, edit, and save private report settings. However, neither can save any changes to public reports.
The primary front desk responsibilities include: checking in/out appointments, collecting co‐pays, edit or change PCP selection, edit patient flags, run and work referral workqueues, work claim edit WQs, can mark time on hold on a provider’s schedule, and create recall records, and schedule future appointments. There are additional scheduling abilities such as: overbook appointments, overrule block and session limits.
The Admin assistants have the following additional functionalities:
- Patient documentation (vitals, reason for visit, allergies, medications, history, record preferred pharmacy,
place orders, and immunizations) - Inbasket
- Telephone/refill encounters
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB150
- AMB180
- AMB390
- AMB465
- CAD100
- CAD120
- CAD190
- CAD570
- ELCAD300
- ELCOV220
- ELCOV240
- TEMP100
This is intended for users who have been identified as a Clinic Leads by the Ambulatory Clinic Manager. The primary responsibilities are to assist front end users and to help manage the clinic. Access includes registration, billing, reports and scheduling menus. The user has the ability to edit provider templates, super overbook, override held time, edit slots, edit blocks and edit appointment statistics. Additionally, the user has revenue access front end shared security, which allows her to edit or change PCP selection, and reporting access to create, edit or delete public and private reports.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- CAD100
- CAD110
- CAD120
- ELCAD300
This is for psychometrists in the autism clinic, or anyone else who documents in psych, but should not charge.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- CAD100
- CAD110
- CAD120
- ELCAD300
- ELCAD330
This is intended for the Ambulatory Clinic Manager. The primary responsibilities are to manage front end users and the clinic. Access includes registration, billing, reports and scheduling menus. The user has the ability to edit provider templates, super overbook, override held time, edit slots, edit blocks and edit appointment statistics. Additionally, the user has revenue access front end shared security, which allows her to edit or change PCP selection, and reporting access to create, edit or delete public and private reports.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- CAD100
- CAD110
- CAD120
- ELCAD300
- ELCAD330
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Nurse, QM, OT, & RT unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
Registered Nurses are licensed individuals who perform clinical patient data collection, EKG’s, POCT tests, order labs via per protocol cosign required order mode, apply dressings, wound care, facilitate care arrangements ordered by a physician or other health care provider, administer medications (intravenous by RN only), order/document immunizations, enter and sign a refill order per patient specific protocol, insert urinary catheters, place allergen tests, care management (RN only), develop education plans (RN only), perform patient assessment (RN only). Ability to initiate video conferencing.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB270
- AMB390
- BCN200
- ELCAD300
- ELCOV200
- HOD330
- INP200
- IPRN305
- LDRN305
- TEMP100
This is intended for inpatient nurse practitioners (NP). Security settings are the same as a physician, but also includes MAR and Doc Flowsheet activity. NPs also have access to ED dept (This is not intended for NP who work in transplant or Radiant as they have a separate template).
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB460
- AMB530
- AMB675
- AMB690
- ANEMD500
- BCN550
- ED490
- ELAMB205
- ELANE490
- ELANE500
- ELIP490
- ELIPP505
- ELOB490
- ELOP490
- ELPSY490
- ELRES480
- IPMD505
- OB490
- OPMD500
This is the Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist Assistant and Recreational Therapy Assistant that work in RR/SM hospital. This user has access to both the outpatient schedule and inpatient patient lists upon logging in. The navigators are designed for this specialty and are determined based on the workflow engine. This user also has access to specialty specific SmartTexts and SmartSets. They will have the same access as PT/OT without the ability to place orders. These users will receive a “Break The Glass” message when trying to access any NPH patient information.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB215
- AMB450
- AMB455
- INP200
The Insurance Follow-up Manager represents a specialized manager with NPH access and supervises the insurance follow-up user. In addition to being able to perform all the tasks of HB, Insurance Follow-up, this user also has access to a Dashboard report, where he can monitor the activity of the accounts his department is responsible for, as well as the productivity of the users he supervises. Approves adjustments
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- HB120
- HB120E
Intended for NPH admin care partners (ACP) and clinical care partners (CCP) or patient care partners who document in the flowsheets/notes. (Use IP UCLA ACP/CCP Template for non‐NPH staff).
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB390
- INP250
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELINP150
Intended for NPH case managers with access to inpatient activities including care plans, flowsheets, notes, order entry, and a custom navigator for NPH. (Use IP UCLA Case Manager Template for non-NPH staff).
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- INP205
Intended for NPH unit directors, clinical nurse specialists, wound care nurses, diabetes educators and lead nurses in RR and SM Hospital. It has the same functionality as the AMB/IP UCLA Nurse Template with access to management reports. (Use IP UCLA Nurse Manager Template for non‐NPH staff).
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- IPRN305
This is the occupational or recreational therapist used with the NPH hospital. This user has access to both theoutpatient schedule and inpatient patient lists, which includes NPH confidential information upon logging in. The navigators are designed for this specialty and are determined based on the workflow engine. This user also has access to specialty‐specific SmartTexts and SmartSets. This user will not receive any Break The Glass message when accessing NPH patient information.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB450
- AMB455
- AMB675
- INP200
Intended for the occupational or recreational therapist who work in NPH. These users have access to the outpatient schedule upon logging in. The navigators are designed for this specialty and are determined based on the workflow engine. This user also has access to specialty‐specific SmartTexts and SmartSets. This user will not receive any Break The Glass message when accessing NPH patient information.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
Intended for NPH unit directors, clinical nurse specialists, wound care nurses, diabetes educators and lead nurses in RR and SM Hospital. It has the same functionality as the AMB/IP UCLA Nurse Template with access to management reports. (Use IP UCLA Nurse Manager Template for non‐NPH staff).
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB390
- EDRN300
- ELTRN305
- INP200
- IPRN305
- LDRN305
- OBRN305
- OPTRN305
Intended for NPH unit directors, clinical nurse specialists, wound care nurses, diabetes educators and lead nurses in RR and SM Hospital. It has the same functionality as the AMB/IP UCLA Nurse Template with access to management reports. (Use IP UCLA Nurse Manager Template for non‐NPH staff).
No training requirement.
This template is intended to be used by Quality and Risk staff as a view only clinical view. It provides view only access to the clinical chart, event management, and encounter summary. It provides the ability to write progress and interpreter notes through more activities.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- ELINP150
- ELRPT100
- HIM228
- INP200
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Medical Records unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
The deficiency tracking user is allowed to do all activities within Chart Deficiency Tracking including suspending and reinstating provider privileges. Additional access includes viewing clinical and order related information via Deficiency Detective.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- HIM240
The HIM Director is intended to oversee the operations within the HIM department. Therefore, this user has high security in Chart Tracking, ROI, Chart Deficiency Tracking, and Coding. They have view only access in Clarity and Cadence, Chart Correction data flagging, and report running abilities for Ambulatory and Inpatient.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- HIM115
- HIM240
Intended for NPH case managers with access to inpatient activities including care plans, flowsheets, notes, order entry, and a custom navigator for NPH. (Use IP UCLA Case Manager Template for non-NPH staff).
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- HIM115
- HIM240
The Release of Information user is able to do most functions within the ROI module except override the amount billed and revoke EpicLink access. They are only able to view a patient’s chart, request them, and save charts to file. The have view only access to deficiency tracking. This user also has limited (view only) access in ADT.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- HIM115
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Social Work unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
This template is utilized by Social Worker Interns. They have the same access as PT’s with a general “view only” security with the exception of notes and flowsheets as their modes of documentation.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB201
- AMB220
- AMB390
- AMB675
- ELAMB205
- INP200
This is intended for licensed social workers with security similar to a IP RN with these exceptions: no allergies, history, or problem lists. This user will be able to cosign MSW notes. The DME Vendor user will use this template to document delivery of equipment to a patient. Social Worker that works in RR / SM Hospital. Not intended for social workers in NPH (see IP UCLA NPH Social Worker Template)
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB201
- AMB220
- AMB390
- AMB675
- ELAMB205
- INP200
Intended for NPH case managers with access to inpatient activities including care plans, flowsheets, notes, order entry, and a custom navigator for NPH.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- INP205
This is intended for a NPH Social Worker has security similar to an IP RN with these exceptions: no allergies, history, or problem lists. This user will be able to cosign MSW notes. The DME vendor user will use this template to document delivery of equipment to a patient. This is for a Social Worker who works in Neuro Psych Hospital. (Not intended for non‐NPH social workers. See IP UCLA License Clinical Social Worker Template).
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- INP200
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Marriage Family Therapist unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
This is mainly for MFT (marriage & family therapist) or any other kind of therapist in psych.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB390
- AMB460
- AMB530
- AMB675
- AMB690
- ED490
- ELAMB205
- ELIP490
- ELOB490
- ELOP490
- ELPSY490
- ELRES480
- KAL200
- KAL500
- OB490
- OPMD500
This is for psychometrists in the autism clinic, or anyone else who documents in psych, but should not charge.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB200r
- AMB201
- AMB390
- AMB675
- ELAMB205
Template is intended for mental health practitioners in both inpatient and PHP/IOP settings. Within inpatient setting, MHP’s will be able to write notes, document on doc flowsheets, and access info to guide patient care. Within PHP/IOP settings, MHP’s will be able to enter a patients encounter and create a note (cosign required for PHP/IOP) and enter info in doc flowsheets.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB200r
- AMB390
- AMB675
- INP200
This is the Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist used in the hospital. This user has access to both the outpatient schedule and inpatient patient lists upon logging in. The navigators are designed for this specialty and are determined based on the workflow engine.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB450
- INP200
- AMB215
- AMB455
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Psychologists & Fellows unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
Intended for psychologists with full EpicCare ambulatory and inpatient access. (This is the end state template
for psychologists.)
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB205
- AMB220
- AMB675
- AMB690
- ELAMB205
- ELPSY390
- ELPSY490
- INP200
- IPMD505
- OPMD500
Intended for post doctorate fellow psychologists with full EpicCare ambulatory and inpatient access. (This is the end state template for fellow psychologists.)
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB205
- AMB675
- ELAMB205
- ELIPP505
- ELPSY390
- ELPSY490
- IPMD505
- OPMD500
Intended for intern/trainee psychologists with full EpicCare ambulatory and inpatient access. (This is the end state template for intern/trainee psychologists.)
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB200r
- AMB220
- AMB390
- AMB675
- ELAMB205
- ELINP150
- ELPSY390
- ELPSY490
- IPMD505
- OPMD500
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Below are the template descriptions for the Students and Genetics unit.
Expand and review the template descriptions below to make sure it accommodates the job function. Once you decide on a template, you will still need to search for an available training day in Step 2, as training for any particular class is limited.
This user has access to the House Census log, displaying all the in-house patients. The user also has view-only access to the Patient Station, to aid with patient location. When logged into the Periop areas this user can also see the OR status boards to help identify where patients are in their surgical process. They have access to the phonebook and provider finder.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELADT135
This is intended for back office staff who are not clinical.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB250
- AMB390
This is intended for back office staff who are not clinical.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELINP150
This is intended for clinicians, such as a Quality/Risk user, who need to review the patient’s record and document on a note.
Make note of the course ID below and move on to Step 2.
- ELINP150
This is intended for genetic counselors and has similar access to that of a MA except that a genetic counselor has a schedule.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB201
- AMB390
- ELAMB205
- ELOPP500
- KAL500
- OPMD500
Physical/Occupational Therapy students at SCOI (will transition UCLA PT/OT students in near future). Students will have same access as PTs with the exception that they will not be able to place orders, close encounters, and will require cosign on all notes.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB201
- AMB390
- ELAMB205
- ELOPP500
- KAL500
- OPMD500
This is the Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist used with the RR/SM hospital. This user has access to both the outpatient schedule and inpatient patient lists upon logging in. The navigators are designed for this specialty and are determined based on the workflow engine. This user also has access to specialty specific SmartTexts and SmartSets. These users will receive a “Break The Glass” message when trying to access any NPH patient information.
Choose one course ID below and make a note of it. Once you’ve chosen, move on to Step 2.
- AMB200
- AMB201
- AMB390
- ELAMB205
- ELOPP500
- KAL500
- OPMD500
Additional Resources:
- Users can self-register for the courses through Cornerstone:
- Managers can assign users the training through Cornerstone:
Choose the appropriate option below.
1) Read all the instructions below first before clicking the link at the bottom.
2) After clicking the link, log in using your Mednet credentials.
3) In the search bar, type in your course ID from Step 1 and select your class.
4) Upcoming class sessions are listed at the bottom of the page. Click “View Details” and then “Request” to officially schedule that session.
5) Click here: Schedule Class for Single User
Click this link and follow the instructions provided: Schedule Class for Multiple Users