How-To Guides

Updated on January 28, 2022

Windows Devices #

Determine encryption status  Only one encryption tool is required.

Check encryption for BitLocker
Check encryption for Check Point
Check encryption for PGP

Ensure minimum requirements Approved Windows Versions for BitLocker:

Windows 10 (Professional, Enterprise, or Education edition)
Locate Your Windows Version

Please note: BitLocker is not available for all Windows versions.

Windows 10 on Personal Devices is available at:
– Windows 10 is available to download at
– Windows 10 Education downloads are available to students (free) at UCLA on the Hub. Use your UCLA username and password in the single sign-on (instead of your Mednet login).
View instructions>

Before encrypting Backing up your device prior to encrypting is suggested.

Back up PC for Windows 10

How to encrypt For in-person assistance, please visit IT Connect.

Do-It-Yourself Help:
Instructions to turn on and set up BitLocker
(Instructions are for Windows 10—other Windows versions might differ slightly but instructions are overall the same.)

Connect from the network For internet and full access to internal resources while on the UCLAHealthSecure wireless network, your personal device must be encrypted with OnGuard installed and status is “healthy.”

Please follow the below instructions to connect your personal device to the network.

OnGuard Instructions and Download

Connect at home To access the Mednet network, GlobalProtect and OnGuard need to be installed.

GlobalProtect VPN
Instructions to install Global Protect VPN

Note: You must install and connect to Global Protect VPN before clicking on OnGuard download link

OnGuard Instructions and Download

OnGuard Troubleshooting:
– BitLocker Instructions (PC) without TPM
– How to Remove a Drive Letter in Windows 10

Installing Root Certificate to access UCLA Health Secure Browser To access the  UCLA Health Secure browser from personal device, you will need to install a root certificate on your computer.

Dowload the UCLA Root Certification Authority File

Installation Instructions:
– Chrome and Edge Browser
– Firefox

Visit our UCLA Health Secure Browser webpage to learn more.

FireEye Endpoint Security (HX) FireEye is required for all Windows devices to access the VPN or UCLAHealthSecure wireless network.

For Download/Install instructions go to:

Note: As of December 11, 2021, Cisco AMP is no longer licensed. Please uninstall the application.


Mac Devices #

Determine encryption status  Check encryption for FileVault
Ensure minimum requirements FileVault Requirements:

Mac OS X 10.14 or later
Locate Your macOS Version

Before encrypting Backing up your device prior to encrypting is suggested.

Back up Mac

How to encrypt For in-person assistance, please visit IT Connect.

Do-It-Yourself Help:
Instructions to turn on and set up FileVault

Connect from the network For internet and full access to internal resources while on the UCLAHealthSecure wireless network, your personal device must be encrypted with OnGuard installed and status is “healthy.”

Please follow the below instructions to connect your personal device to the network.

OnGuard Instructions and Download?

Connect at home To access the Mednet network, GlobalProtect and OnGuard need to be installed.

GlobalProtect VPN
Instructions to install Global Protect VPN

Note: You must install and connect to Global Protect VPN before clicking on OnGuard download link

OnGuard Instructions and Download?

OnGuard Troubleshooting:
– Mac Auth Server Is Not Available

Installing Root Certificate to access UCLA Health Secure Browser To access the  UCLA Health Secure browser from personal device, you will need to install a root certificate on your computer.

Download the UCLA Root Certification Authority File

Installation Instructions:
1. Add certificate to Keychain Access
2. Change the Trust Settings of the certificate

Visit our UCLA Health Secure Browser webpage to learn more.

FireEye Endpoint Security (HX) FireEye is not currently required for Mac devices but we encourage you to install the application.

For Download/Install in structions go to:

Note: As of December 11, 2021, Cisco AMP is no longer licensed. Please uninstall the application.


Mobile Devices #

When connecting to UCLHealthSecure Wi-Fi, mobile devices will need to have mobile device management software installed in order or connect to the internet with full access to internal resources.

For Android and iOS mobile devices that are not enrolled in mobile device management software, access to internet only will be available on the UCLAHealthSecure wireless network.

How to Connect to UCLAHealthSecure

Enrolled iOS Devices (No Action Required) – UCLAHealthSecure will be set as the default wireless network. You will automatically be directed to the UCLAHealthSecure wireless network, where it is available, and no set up or login credentials are required.

Enrolled Android Devices (Action Required) – Manually change your connection to use the UCLAHealthSecure wireless network from the “Wireless & Network” section found in your device “Settings.” You will be prompted to provide your login credentials. See How to Connect to UCLAHealthSecure on Android Devices for more information.


USB Removable Media/Storage Devices #

External/removable media will be allowed in read-only mode when plugged into devices on the Mednet network.
Removable media refers to:

  • USB flash drives (also known as jump drives or thumb drives)
  • External hard drives
  • SD and Micro SD cards (camera storage)
  • CD/DVD drives
  • USB peripherals that have built-in storage (some local scanners and printers, smartphones, etc.)

Exception: Approved USB flash drives will have read and write access. Please also see Flash Drive Procurement for information on ordering approved flash drives.

An alternate storage recommendation is to use Box, a cloud-based storage solution that will allow you to access your files in multiple location and on multiple devices.


Applying for mednet vpn access?

Only supervisors/managers should complete this form!


Applying for access request with no UCPath appointment?

Enter user's name.

Please SELECT ONE of the categories below that the user belongs to.

Note: If none of these apply to you, then you should not fill out this form.

For a definition of each category, hover over here!
Affiliate A student or staff in non-UCLA Health department.
Contractor Meets BFB-BUS-77 Independent Consultant Guidelines Contractor
Collaborator User who is a student or staff in other universities and is part of an IRB.
Intern User is not enrolled in any UC campus as student. Need access to participate in training or internship.
Volunteer Registered with UCLA Health Sciences Volunteer Program

just making sure you're not a robot


Applying for Research careconnect access?

Please contact Semel Research CareConnect at